person thinking

Who is the Sexiest man in the Cook Islands?

So your’re thinking this guy isn’t the sexiest man in the Cook Islands i know that guy related to that guys cousin which is fine or my partner is way better but according to google its this guy, me.

But if you search “sexiest man in the cook islands” guess who comes up.

And on the 13th of January 2016, this is what comes up.

sexiest man reults cook islands
This is just a prime example of big head syndrome but more primarily its an example of search engine optimisation.

byron brown best looking guy in the cook islands
Using alt text and changing file name to the keyword

You see nobody is looking for the search term sexiest guy in the cook islands online and there are no websites with the title tags of this either are trying to rank for this search term either the only thing making these images of me rank in the search engine is the labeling of the image with the file name and alt text used for it and my domain which has an ok ‘Domain Authority” which pretty much the strength of the domain and that’ s pretty much it.

Most people when the get a website built or make it themselves don’t understand that SEO is more crucial to their website making money then to one that isn’t making money because no one can find it. IF someone gave me a website that looked like a piece of garbage but was ranked high in the search engine vs one that looked awesome but on page two of google i would use the crap one any day.

So if you have a website ask yourself these three things

  1. what keywords am i ranking for
  2. what is the search volume
  3. how much is your business losing by not being on top of the search engine?

So here an example of how much potential business you are losing each month or how much it could gain.
keyword search volume x % of traffic from being on top of page 1 x avg conversion rate
keyword search volume x 0.4 avg amount of traffic from being on top of page one then x 0.02 – 0.03 conversion rate.

Say your website was accommodation Rarotonga has 4000 searches per month and the average person stayed 3 nights at around $250 per night so $750 total.
so if 40% of 4000 is 1600 is 2% of that conversion would equate to 32 new customers per month 32 x 750 = $24000 per month and that is per month and for one keyword search term.

Now that might sound a bit crazy but thats the reality but search terms like that are hard to rank for..why?
If we look at the competition on the page we can see what we are up against and if each website was an opposition team you can view their stats by using website tools like MOZ site explorer or majestic and study what they are doing and how we can match and beat them. Some examples of websites on page 1 are your ect really powerful sites but are they impossible to out rank, of course not but it will take alot of time and resources but end the end it would be worth it for your business.

sexiest man i the cook islands
It doesn’t matter where you live in the world the principle of SEO still applies to your website or business and if you need more clients or your website is lacking in the rankings give please fill out the discovery form and ill get in contact with you personally. I’ve ranked sites in Sydney, Melbourne, New Zealand, Tahiti and Cook Islands.
Please fill out the discovery form on the other page so we can asses your website for free.